Education – Learning Center
We love sharing what we know and will occasionally teach classes and courses at the farm and online. For a current listing of our online courses and resources, see our Products Section.

01. Seed Startling

From asparagus to zucchini, if it grows in our area, we’ve got it on our farm and we’ll teach you the tricks of growing your own! Subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch us grow!

02. Internships/Mentoring

Occasionally someone will come along that just seems perfectly matched for us. We are not accepting applications during the 2023 season at this time due to covid.

03. DIY Project Sheets

From strawbale beds to weed control to growing giant pumpkins. Currently we have documents we share and will supply you with them. Go to our Products Section for a list.

One of the most important and constant activities on a permaculture homestead is to build soil. We use the resources we have. This is a straw bale bed. Very productive and easy to do. Filled with leaves and layered with silty clay soil, bark, rotten straw and compost.

04. Masterminding/Making A Living

This is our section for teaching you how to set up an online business (no matter how you make your living from home) and for interacting, networking and MasterMinding with others in our field. Together we succeed!

05. Propagation

One of our goals it to fully plant our entire 40 acres into an edible/useful Food Forest. Trees can be propagated, grafted or started from seed, so that it doesn’t break your wallet!

06. Grafting

Grafting is tricky. Learn the types of grafts, the supplies to have on hand and how to best increase the success of your grafts.

07. Courses And Classes

A list of current courses and classes available (free and/or for purchase) are in our Products section. Currently we have a course on Long Term Egg Preservation that is AWESOME!

08. Community Tree Orders

As of 2022, we’ve sold/distributed 1440 bare root fruit trees to our local area to help enliven food security on a local level. It’s our signature tithe project. We sell the trees at our cost plus $1 which helps pay for our own trees. We’ll be teaching a class on how to do this on your own farm in 2023 which allows you to supply your own space with FREE trees! Pretty cool.

09. Edible Landscaping

Permaculture is the growth of agricultural ecosystems in a self-sufficient and sustainable way drawing inspiration from nature to develop synergetic farming systems based on crop diversity, resilience, natural productivity, and sustainability. We strive to plant the more human edible crops closer to the house and the fodder/forage crops for critters in the outer zones.

10. Products, Courses & Workshops

Our Permaculture Homestead helps other homesteads work and live from their farms. We’re always coming up with interesting and unique ways to generate income working from your home, but we love supporting others on their journey and often find high-quality products we can sell through our own online store.

11. Recipes

In our growing zone, it’s not always an option to have fresh food available 12 months a year, so we ferment/ cook/ dehydrate/ freeze/ do some cold storage and use season extension methods to extend the harvest. These are some of our favorite recipes, but you can find more on our home-based business website as well HERE.


Permaculture Principles And Ethics

Welcome to our world. Although the participants around the world are of many different religions/beliefs/political systems, we all put that aside to care for the earth, its people and really love giving back!

What We Use/Recommend

Coming soon! It’s important. Do you have a course or resource that has made a difference on your farm? We want to know about it!

Permaculture Courses/Workshops

Please see our Products section for a current list.

“I love visiting Denice and Michael at Elk Meadows Farm. Their gardens are so varied and interesting, their honeybees are so happy, there are always pots and pots of new fruit and nut trees coming along, and I’m always eager to see the latest natural building project. And every year I watch for one of their giant pumpkins at the food co-op. (I grow big squash, but I’m not in their league!)”


Suvia Judd – Sunswept Hills Farm

Suvia Judd of Sunswept Farm